Unraveling Branding Terminology: Defining a Brand, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity and Logo
Nowadays there is some serious confusion around the term “Brand” and what it actually means. It's easy to get lost in the buzzwords and jargon, making it confusing and overwhelming to navigate. It used to be straightforward, but now it's a complex web of terms like "brand strategy," "brand identity," "logo," and "brand experience," which can seem like a language of its own…what does it all even mean?!
So in todays blog post, let’s dissect it all. We'll break down the differences between these terms and show you how they fit together.
A BRAND is the emotional connection someone has about a company or organisation. It’s not defined by the business owner (you)…It is defined by the beholder (the customer) and by the people who form a relationship and perception of your company based on their experience with you (both directly and indirectly).
It goes beyond the visual elements, it encompasses the emotions, values, experiences, and associations people have with the business or organisation. A designer alone cannot design a brand…but you can help influence it through strategic visual and non-visual elements.
Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy is the compass that steers the brand in the right direction, guiding every decision and action to create a meaningful and lasting impact on the target audience. It is the foundation on which the brand's entire existence is built, outlining your brand's purpose, mission, vision, values and positioning in the marketplace. By crafting a well-thought-out brand strategy, you lay the groundwork for designing a brand identity system that connects with the hearts and minds of the intended audience and actually achieves results.
Brand Identity
Brand Strategy is then brought to life through Brand Identity. Brand Identity is the visual branding elements that make the business instantly recognisable and this can shape and influence they way an audience perceives the Brand…both good and bad, depending on how well you’ve managed to turn the strategy into design. Brand Identity is therefore everything we can see. It’s a small part of what makes a Brand but it cannot alone, be the Brand. Just like the way someone looks, doesn’t solely reflect who they are. Brand Identity includes tangible elements such as the logo, colour palette, typography pairings, imagery, iconography, illustrations, collateral and any other visual assets used consistently across marketing materials and touchpoints.
A logo is a specific graphical mark or symbol that represents a brand visually. It is a crucial part of the brand identity and serves as a memorable and recognisable signature for the brand but it is just one part of the Brand Identity and wider branding process. A well-designed logo is uniquely designed for easy recognition and to ensure that it accurately represents the brand's identity and resonates with its target audience.
In summary, a Brand is the overall perception and reputation of a company or product. Brand Strategy is the plan to establish and maintain that perception. Brand Identity is the visual representation of the brand, and a Logo is a specific graphical mark that is one key element of the Brand Identity. All these components work together to create a cohesive and impactful brand presence in the market.
At Sylvia Creative, we understand the significance of each branding element and we take pride in meticulously including them in our projects. Throughout our journey together, we make sure that every branding element is carefully included in our projects, leaving no stone unturned. We believe that our clients' success is our success, and we take so much joy in bringing clients businesses to life